believing in your non-perfect human self.
Another thing that can help spur on that newly inspired self is a real life inspiration board!
We live in a world where inspiration is all over the internet. With sites like Pinterest, Tumblr,
and thousands of inspiration blogs, we are surrounded by digital inspiration boards- so
sometimes its nice to have one in real life. You can touch it, paint it, throw glitter on it, whatever.
Super fun times.
I got inspired to do my own inspiration board after seeing this post on The Glitter Guide about
the offices. You have to check out their beautiful space! Pretty awesome, right?
After seeing that amazing wall they have, I went crazy through a ton of magazines I've
collected over time, and tore out anything that stood out to me. Images, textures, patterns,
type, you name it. I took some tape, a few bulletin boards, and covered the wall.
Here's a view of my table in the middle of mad tearing...

Staying inspired isn't easy, but it helps to be in an inspiring work place. I'm still in the process of
making mine work, but even with just a few magazine clippings on the wall, my work
space is so much more fun to be in!
Oh oh totally almost forgot that I have something reeeally exciting to share with you...
Next week will be the launch of the official Waterfall Creative! Woot woot! But thats not the exciting
part. The exciting part is we have some awesome giveaways lined up to celebrate! There is going
to be one here, on this blog tomorrow. Same time. Same place.
Tomorrow the wonderful ladies Courtney and Angela are giving away a piece of jewelry from their
jewelry shop, Angel Court Jewels! This isn't something you want to miss out on :) You can check out their site today, and come back tomorrow to win yourself some beautiful bling! Oh and did I mention that celebs like Ashley Olsen, Lauren Conrad, even the guys from the band Hinder are wearin this stuff? Cause they totally are!
So check back here tomorrow for a chance to win a piece from their collection!
Happy Thursday friends!
I have been thinking these past fews weeks about doing a board for my blog goals. I'm also taking an on-line class all about blogging and one of the assignments is to do an inspiration board. So, I'm on it! T
Nice! You go!
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