
Good Articles & A Happy Weekend to You

Happy Friday everyone!

Friday's are the day when the gardeners come to our house. As I write I'm listening to their grass trimmer (or whatever those things are) and awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with the gardener in the window next to me. They're really loud and it's hard for Nolan and I to hear each other when we talk. I'm excited for them to be done.

So in the mornings, oftentimes I browse Twitter, see some articles posted that I would like to read, and open them up in a new window, saving them to read later when I have more time.

Here are some of them I've collected throughout the week for small business owners and creatives.
I thought they may be helpful to you as well! You can read them this weekend over a nice cup of coffee. Mmmm.... that sounds yummy...

Six Months' Worth of Blog Content In Just Two Steps

Don't Waste Time on Comparisons

6 Creative Ways to Spice Up Your Facebook Cover Photo

Do You Need A Blog To Be Successful?

Five Ways To Kill It With Content

One more thing I found this week and was really excited about was this. CS Lewis has a Twitter everyone. It's true.

Happy weekend friends. Embrace it.

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