
Proxart #6!

So if you haven't already, head on over to Proxart.org and check out their 6th online issue!
I've mentioned them before, but they're all about art in the suburbs. They interview and showcase
other artists work and talk about how the environment they live in effects their art.

I did a little illustration for the magazine, and it was a super fun project. I had to take the tweet
"Is there a statue of the moon somewhere?" and interpret it into a visual illustration- with the
freedom to make it however humorous, serious or abstract that I wanted.
I came up with the concept of a little girl with her mother in New York looking at the statue of liberty,
but all she is really interested in is the moon. She would way rather be looking at a statue of the moon
than the statue of liberty.

It was a fun project to be apart of!

So head on over and check out issue #6! You won't regret it!

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